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Annual Project
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Hear the Wind Sing
Upcoming new production!
Text adapted from Hakka poet, Du-Pan Fang-Ge
Make Hakka traditional proverbs and songs into new flavor

Wind is visible, only when it blow over will you feel its existence. Just like Hakka in Taiwan, you cannot recognize who is Hakka from appearance until hearing them speak their mother tongue.

If you are also Hakka, you will soon be connected by speaking the same language.

"Hear the Wind Sing" is a whole Hakka speaking online performance, shooting in Taipei Hakka Culture Park, a beautiful park in the golden area of Taipei City.

The performance is showing the green and cozy space with tea trees, rice field and veggies, to lead audience feel the natural environment and show the traditional life of early Hakka people online.

Now, let's hear the stories of Hakka youth who move to Taipei from hometown and how do they consider their Hakka identity.

Meet us on  CloudTheatre Taiwan




Price for each online ticket: NTD 100

Add on "Fong-Tu" gift: NTD 400 (Taiwan only)

To see more photos, please come here 

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電話:(+866)932-133-699    地址:310003 新竹縣竹東鎮康寧街125巷5弄9號3樓  | Email :  | Line:@tncglobe

Add:3rd Floor, No.9, Lane 5, KangNing Str., Zhudong Town, Hsinchu County 310003, Taiwan  

COPYRIGHT© 自然而然劇團 Theater Naturally Connected

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